DynaMind CommandlineΒΆ

The DynaMind commandline supports following options:

--help                 produce help message
--input-file arg       set simulation file
--replace arg          replace string in input file: ([STRING],[STRING];)*
--repeat arg           repeat simulation
--cpfile arg           Copy generated files: ([SOURCEFILE],[TARGETPATH]DMITER
--verbose              verbose output
--sqlquerystack arg    sql query cache size
--blockwriting arg     sql write block size
--loglevel arg         logger level 0-3 (Debug-Standard-Warning-Error)
--logpath arg          Save path for log file
--ompthreads arg       number of threads used by omp
--settings arg         set an environment variable
--show-settings        show environment variables
--parameter arg        overwrites a parameter: ([modulename].[parametername]=
--parameterlist        shows the available parameters for this file
--with-status-updates  print custom status updates
--version              shows the current version of the dynamind core
--license              shows used license of the dynamind core
--author               shows the names of the core programmers