Export GIS Data

Exports GIS data from DynaMind to common GIS formats GDAL/OGR.


Name Type Description
sink STRING points to where the view should be exported
driver_name STRING name of used driver
view_name STRING name of view to be exported
layer_name STRING layer_name in sink
steps INT is used in loop data are exported every x step
targetEPSG INT target EPSG code; if 0 simulation EPSG is used
overwrite BOOL if true and existing datasource is overwritten, default is false
append BOOL if true and data are append to existing layer at data source

Module Name


Detailed Description

The module builds on the GDAL/OGR library and supports export of data from DynaMind into common GIS data formats. An overview of supported formats can be found here.

Export to PostGIS

If you want to export data to a PostGIS server please set sink to following PG:dbname=melbourne host= port=5432 user=username password=password and driver_name is ‘’ (empty) since the name the driver name is already set with the PG command.

Sample Code for Python Simulation

# Upload results to PostGIS database
export = sim.add_module('GDALPublishResults',
                           {'sink': 'PG:dbname=melbourne host=localhost port=5432 user=user password=password',
                            'driver_name': '',
                            'targetEPSG' : '4283',
                            'sourceEPSG' : '32755',
                            'view_name': 'catchment',
                            'layer_name': 'result_catchment',
                            'overwrite': False},