CityDrain 3 for Module Developers

CityDrain3 is used in several modules as backend to conceptually simulate the urban water cycle. This manual gives a quick overview of how CityDrain can be integrated in a DynaMind module using its Python interface.

What is CityDrain

CityDrain is a conceptual model to simulate water and pollution flows. Originally it was developed with focus and integrated urban water management with particular focus on the environmental impacts of combined sewer systems. However, in recent years models have been developed to extend its functionality with the aim to simulate the total urban water cycle.

CityDrain builds on the tradition of hydrological modelling, which allows the complex processes for water quality to be simulated. Water quality and quality processes are formulated for specific components of the urban water system. For example, a catchment model simulating the runoff and, built up and wash off processes, a sewer/drain simulating the kinematic wave of water running through the system as well as decay and built up of pollutions. In CityDrain these process are described in Nodes. Several of these nodes can be linked together in form of a directed graph to route water quantity and quality changes throughout the urban water system.

Simulation Interface

This section discusses step by step how to create a CityDrain3 Simulation withe the Python interface.

To create a new CityDrain simulation first import the Python interface pycd3 (see below) and create a new CityDrain3 simulation. To initialise the Simulation set the start and end date as well as the used time step in seconds. Further to be able to add nodes to the simulation register a native or python plugin.

# import CityDrain3
from pycd3 import CityDrain3

# Init Simulation
cd3 = CityDrain3("2000-Jan-01 00:00:00",  "2001-Jan-01 00:00:00", "86400")

# Register Modules

After setting up the simulation nodes can be added to the simulation. The first parameter is the node name. The second parameter allows to set parameters of the node. I case of the example we set const_flow to 1. In the last step to set up the model the nodes can be connected using add_connection`

# Add node
const_flow = cd3.add_node("ConstantFlow", {"const_flow": 1.0})
flow_probe = cd3.add_node("FlowProbe")

# Connect nodes
cd3.add_connection(const_flow, "out", flow_probe, "in")

To execute the simulation call start as parameter the start date is required.

# Execute Simulation
cd3.start("2000-Jan-01 00:00:00")

Results are either written directly to an output file using the FileOut node or through accessing the nodes system states. In this example the FlowProbe stores the volumes on at each time step in the Flow state. The results can be accessed after the simulation run using the get_state_... methods.

# Execute Simulation