Create Simulations in Python

DynaMind provides a Python interface to set up complex a workflow. The following document gives a step by step overview of the most important interfaces.

Initialising a New Simulation

To create a new simulation import pydynamind in your Python script and create a new simulation instance of the Sim class (see following listing). This creates an DynaMind simulation.

Before modules can be added to the simulation modules may be registered using with calling register_modules("Module Path"). DynaMind registers modules from all libraries found in the specified folder (Native or Python).

The last step to initialise a simulations requires to define the spatial reference used for the simulation calling set_epsg_code(EPSG Code). A full list of EPSG codes can be found here. Setting the EPSG code is crucial otherwise the GIS database can not be correctly initialise which can make simulations painfully slow.

After registering modules and defining a spatial reference the DynaMind simulation is ready.

# Import DynaMind Python interface
import pydynamind as DM

# Create a new simulation
sim = DM.Sim()

# Register modules from folder

# Set EPSG code for the simulation. This is crucial, otherwise the GIS backend of the
# simulation database is disabled which makes simulations painfully slow
# EPSG 32755 : WGS 84/UTM zone 55S (works well for Melbourne)

Adding Modules

To add modules call the add_module(class_name, parameter={}, connect_module=None, parent_group=None, filters={}, module_name="") function of the initialised simulation. This functions adds a new module to the simulation and returns the generated module. The returned module can be used to link the module later to another module.


  • class_name: The class name of the to add module. A list of available modules can be found in the documentation. In the example below the GDALImportData is loaded to import data into the simulation
  • parameter: A dictionary to set module parameter. The dictionary uses as key the parameter name and as value the parameter value e.g. {'parameter1': 10}. The list of parameter for a module can be found in its documentation
  • connect_module: The newly created module is connected to the connect_module
  • parent_group: This is used to add the module to a group
  • filters: A dict of filters. { view_name : {'attribute': 'attribute filter' :  spatial: 'view name'} }
  • module_name: per default the module name is a randomly set; module_name can be used to define a specific name.
# Load data from PostGIS database with GDALImport Data. Per default the module has no import
catchment = sim.add_module('GDALImportData',{'source': 'PG:dbname=elwood host=localhost port=5432 user=user password=password',
                                      'layer_name': 'elwood_catchment',
                                      'view_name': 'catchment',
                                      'epsg_from': 4283,
                                      'epsg_to': 32755,
                                      'append' : False})

# load land use data with the attribute lu_desc = 'Road Void' and that are within the catchment.
# the parameter append is set to true to allow to connect the module to the catchment module created before
land_use = sim.add_module('GDALImportData', {'source': 'PG:dbname=melbourne host=localhost port=5432 user=user password=password',
                                      'layer_name': 'landuse_victoria',
                                      'view_name': 'landuse',
                                      'epsg_from': 4283,
                                      'epsg_to': 32755,
                                      'append' : True},
                         filters={'landuse': {'attribute': "lu_desc = 'Road Void'",
                                              'spatial': "catchment"}
# Upload results to PostGIS database
export = sim.add_module('GDALPublishResults',
                           {'sink': 'PG:dbname=melbourne host=localhost port=5432 user=user password=password',
                            'driver_name': '',
                            'targetEPSG' : '4283',
                            'sourceEPSG' : '32755',
                            'view_name': 'catchment',
                            'layer_name': 'result_catchment'},

Execute Simulation

After adding and linking the modules the simulation can be executed calling the run() method.

# Execute simulation

Advanced Use Cases

Access GDAL Database

The simulation object is a complete DynaMind simulation. This means that when a simulation has been executed the simulation still holds the calculate data until the simulation is destroyed. This allows the data to be accessed within the Python script. To do this data (or the name of the database) can be retrieved from the last module in the simulation using getGDALDBName()

# load land use data with the attribute lu_desc = 'Road Void' and that are within the catchment.
# the parameter append is set to true to allow to connect the module to the catchment module created before
#return db name from last module